
Showing posts from January, 2018

Free post

Justin turner is one of my favorite baseball players because he has swagger. Plus every body loves swagger he has this very high leg kick which is very smart because when he hits home runs it makes his home runs look better in the pitchers look bad which is very fun to watch him play. I whould like to be like him when I grow up rich , awesome awesome beard and has the b st defense you could ever have did you know that every time it is the bottom of the 9th he is always the one that hits the coolest thing in the world which whould be walk off home runs thet is why I like Justin turner as my favorite athlete


My review on the blackfish move. Was about how there were whales were atacking humans and they were blaming the people who were attacked by they ended up making a different story from what just happened so that they keep that whale in the show or so that they don't want the show to be off so that they can keep all of that money which whould be self fish because somebody one of your professional tracks mere just died. The part were they were in Spain he that was sad cause he kept saying that he was tired but they put him in the water with the whale and  he end up dying it's kinda like the dawn .

No fiction vs fiction

Nonfiction and fiction are two different things because they each represent Tyson different things. No fiction meaning is something that is based on a true story . Fiction is different from nonfiction because of how it represents something that is made up which means that it can not be true unless you put in in motion like a movie. The definition of fiction is something  that is make believe


The meaning of forgiveness is when you except somebody after having to do a big or little mistake . It is easy to forgive people because after doing something terriblely rong they might say sorry beacauae of either what they did or something rong . Yes I forgive people easily because I know if I don't it makes me feel bad when I should not feel bad .

Xmas break beforen and after break

What I plane to do over Christmas break is play with my family so that I can have as much fun as I can with them . I planed to play with the new toys I got for Christmas for hours , I also planned to talk to my family watching Christmas movies having a social time. I also planned to be able to get a good sleep and rest all day . What I actually did was wait for Christmas to come open my presents try them on because I did not get any toys besides a car then we got ready to go out of state Atlanta for the New Years . Then when we got there I got to swim in the pool I even got my own king size bed to my self at the hotel. The we had to go home as we enterd back in to Berwyn we got are stuff and we had to get me ready for baseball practice the next morning a highschool. I then had a game at the united center I got to watch the bulls play the raptors but the bulls lost so that was my winter break.


The reason for the incentive room I picked the gym is because I love playing sports and I thought that       This room would be good for me is because if I did something that I was supposed to do I actually think that this would be the great reward for me. When I walked into the gym I divot expect other grades to come into the gym b cause I thought it would be for 6th grade only. Then I saw that the 7th and 8th grade enter I I just started to get reall y mad and regret my desision on going to the gym. Then they counted how many people are going into the gym they realized that it was to much people into the gym so then they decide to asked who want to go to the lunch room so that we can hav more space. Quickly I raised my hand but did no t get picked so then as we started to play it was crowded like crazy I could barely move or dribble the ball so then as I went to the volleyball side were was less people I then asked could I play and they said yes so then I joiened for li...


Honesy the meaning of honestly is to be true full so that you can be trusted every time you say something. It is very inporrant to be honest because if you make up all these lies and keep feelings to win those conversation then it's going to very hard for people to believe you day in day out. I am some times honest because I want people to trust me so that if some one were not to trust me then they figure out that I was tealling the truth then they are going to feal very sorry about not believing me but I don't want them to be very sorry because it will make me real bad . The other reason I want to be honest is that if the police were to come up to me and my face looks frites do there going to think that I'm not honest so always always be honest.

My New Years resolution

My New Years resolution is to work hard in every thing I do getting the grades so that I can go into high school the cool way not that way were you have to pay but to be scouted . Pls if I work I could really do anything for everybody I love doing things for people I will strive my goal and I will help people that were home less I will build my on organization that will help people.