Xmas break beforen and after break

What I plane to do over Christmas break is play with my family so that I can have as much fun as I can with them . I planed to play with the new toys I got for Christmas for hours , I also planned to talk to my family watching Christmas movies having a social time. I also planned to be able to get a good sleep and rest all day . What I actually did was wait for Christmas to come open my presents try them on because I did not get any toys besides a car then we got ready to go out of state Atlanta for the New Years . Then when we got there I got to swim in the pool I even got my own king size bed to my self at the hotel. The we had to go home as we enterd back in to Berwyn we got are stuff and we had to get me ready for baseball practice the next morning a highschool. I then had a game at the united center I got to watch the bulls play the raptors but the bulls lost so that was my winter break.


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