
The reason for the incentive room I picked the gym is because I love playing sports and I thought that       This room would be good for me is because if I did something that I was supposed to do I actually think that this would be the great reward for me. When I walked into the gym I divot expect other grades to come into the gym b cause I thought it would be for 6th grade only. Then I saw that the 7th and 8th grade enter I I just started to get reall y mad and regret my desision on going to the gym. Then they counted how many people are going into the gym they realized that it was to much people into the gym so then they decide to asked who want to go to the lunch room so that we can hav more space. Quickly I raised my hand but did no t get picked so then as we started to play it was crowded like crazy I could barely move or dribble the ball so then as I went to the volleyball side were was less people I then asked could I play and they said yes so then I joiened for like 20min and then it was time to go so then went into the lucnchroom and that was my story.


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