Chicago history Chicago white sox

Since 2005 it's been 88 years since the white sox won the World Series when I was born the white sox were a team that was not being expected to make it to the World Series after all the bast hall a fame players were gone for good Chicago history the last time that the white sox has ever been back to the World Series was in 1919 when they three the game away so that they can get some money so that's some big history right there but the only hope that they had left was Ozzie Gillian he was for,re sox player who use to be there starting shortstop for the white sox but that hope work they built there team and won the World Series now that is something that will never be forgotten in Chicago history.


  1. Have you ever been to a White Sox game? That would make an exciting Slice of Life! Or even a time that you watched one with your family?


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