Slice a life Manditory

Hello me it's me Savion and I'm going to talk about my slice a life . So I was going to winscon and it was a 10 min before we were on are way once we got on to the express way I feel a sleep and what woke me up is that my uncle had spit sun flowers into face so than we stopped a gas station to get some snacks then when I woke up we were there at the kalihari resort so we then waited in the car and my uncle went to get are key so that we can go to are room so after we got settled we saw the pool the restaurants gaming rooms so then we got on the group slide that has a floetee then we had very very very very very much fun that it felt like we were there for. Month so that my story.


  1. This is a good start to Slice of Life. Thank you for sharing your post this week.


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