Right your on story

Do guys lov superhero because your about to here about him . He moved To the city of Berwyn when first moved there the first thing he did was look for a school a couple a days after going to,that school he found this hole in his closet then he went through the mortal then he come out in a random costume then he tries it on then that is when he discover he is black panther jr . The next day he goes to school then the whole 6th grade goes to Morton for a play he was told that your to black were are you he was crying inside then he asked to be excused then he let the cry out he then had a mission then Savion then takes his anger out on the Deamon . The next day Savion goes to school those kids that were making fun of his color started picking on him wile he was talking to his friend v then Savion went running to a corner his friend fallowed she started talking about the situation then Savion told her the secret then he told her about all the broken bones, bruses that he had then together they became super heros partners in crime. 


  1. I like how you incorporated real life events into your story! I'm glad to see this event changed Savion for the better and made him a super hero. I would love to read more of this in the future. Thank you for sharing this week.


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