Greatest achievement

the greatest achievements I'd ever have was me and my teammate were in the playoffs . we won the first game with a good comeback by each person collecting hits every at bat . That team was know eliminated from the playoffs.Then we almost got to play a double header at are field. But the other team forfitted cause they lost there first game . Then we had to wait next week to for the semi finals but then every weekend rained so then finally it was that time . Some of are teammates met at are field . Then as we took off went and my coaches he went 140 mph down the street when we got there my legs were still vibrating then we won the first game but lost the game in the championship. My other achievements was that me making the basketball team . I was trying my best wile everybody else was doing all that fancy stuff . Then after they foun out they did not make they started to bully me . Then my teacher gave me a quote "does not mattter there only doing cause they did not make to the team so that were my great achievements.


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