Snow day

what I did over the long for day weekend while it was snowing I was locked up in my house doing nothing while I had the flue so then my mom said she said th at she was going to clean the car cause she needed  a new car but I had my little nap and she said if you feel better you can go to practice so I went to practice but I felt a little weak while during practice so then coach said that we were going to home run in which means pizza  but I did not have the taste for pizza so when the pizza came I are a whole pizza then just put my hands over my face then my coach took me home and ate some cookies and that was the end of the story the end.


  1. My goodness! For having the flu and not really feeling like eating or practicing, you sure did eat and practice a lot! I'm glad you were able to still enjoy your snow day. Thank you for sharing your post this week.


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